Tuesday, June 21, 2011


New XTR trail brakes(M985) which in total dropped 9 ounces from the Super Enduro. I went from a set of Avid Juicy 7's where I was relegated to the solid rotor to reduce the inexorable squeal and wail of the rear brake. I was so happy to move to the new Ashima Airrotors, on the front rotor alone I dropped 100 grams. Perhaps I've become too much of a weight weenie when it comes to the bike. But to each their own, it's my passion, and dammit. Lighter is lighter, faster is faster. And I like both of those. I've been blessed to live with a lady who lets me appreciate the things I do outside. It's nice to be able to go for a ride when I please, she has no qualms about me taking off for a spin when I feel the sudden urge to sweat. All she cares is that I bring my phone and enough water for the ride. That's love. Living next to South Mountain has it's perks, and they are in the form of intermingling trails that run all throughout the area. It's difficult to stop as one is able take a new turn here, or there and end up in a familiar place with a different bearing. Endless loops lay on the terrain like a Pollock painting, without sense, or logic, but interesting nonetheless...

It's been a big week, or a big spell rather. I've lost track of exactly the test date for each of the following, except for the fact that they were photo-documented. It should be noted that I'm not an alcoholic and these weren't tested in one night. It was a span of a week or two.

The first of the recent batch was this nice little white-hef from Montana. A small brewery called Harvest Moon situated in Belt Montana. I've no idea where Belt is, but I like the beer. It's a nice light hef, It's got light floral tones, and a soft wheat taste. It's not harsh by any means, nor rough to the palate. It's a soft and mellow casual drink perfect slightly colder than the brewer recommends. Perhaps that's a defect of living in AZ, where without a coozie, the beer is cask temperature in 3 minutes... A-.

The second beer as of late to be dissected is the Nordeast from the Grain Belt Brewery in St. Paul Minnesota. I was born in the cities, so I've got a natural affinity to the beer from the region. I first had this beer on tap in Minneapolis, and had wondrous impressions. Unfortunately that was lost upon bottling. The beer was purchased in Minnesota, stored in a cooler until it's new home of the beer fridge here in phx. It seems to have gotten somewhat vinegary over that period, and upon first sip it's a nice interestingly soft mix of hops and smooth barley. But the aftertaste is one to forget. All I can think of is Apple-Cider Vinegar. Not one of Minnesota's finest exports... B-.

The life of a student. I though not the average student, am still a student. With that comes studying, I find that my studies improve whilst enjoying a beer, until of course the beer is gone. For obvious reasons. The beer in the glass is an Amber from Bayern Brewery in Missoula MT. One of my old go-to's. It's as pleasant as always, and one of the finest examples of an Amber I've yet to find. It's got all the notes you want, a nice crisp bite from hops, and a good solid barley taste that doesn't overwhelm the drinker. It's amazing paired with a red-meat meal as it's lightness brings up the meal, but stand-alone it doesn't disappoint. A.
The last beer to enter this test period is the Rogue Breweries American Amber Ale. As seen in the picture it's got the color of a brown almost, and a similar taste. It's certainly not the average amber you've tasted before. It's got a nice rounded off taste that goes well with bolder foods, and a strong drinker would like this alone. It's certainly bold, but as the picture on the label suggests so is America. A.

1 comment:

  1. Sick blog idea brah!! The bike stuff is obvio over my head but cool/easy to see how much u enjoy it. And love the beer discussion. Being an amber girl, I'm looking forward to trying the Rogue. Agreed on the Grainbelt--wasn't that impressed with what pops had in the fridge. I'll hafta try it draught. And ps--u were born in Rochester not the cities, foo.
