Saturday, August 11, 2012

Vacation, 1 Year Anniversary, Beers, Bike ride

Just so you don't forget.  You have to drink this.  At some point in your life.  

D. Carnegie Porter 3.5.  A new breed for me.  A Baltic porter, I'm not convinced that this is the kind if porter I like.  The hops were subtle if there at all.  Pretty sweet, and syrupy, lots of malt that had a unique character.  An interesting find in Grandmas refridgerator for sure.  D.

Fitgers Brewing El Nino IPA:  I like most that I've had from Fitgers, definitely a solid IPA. It had some caramel that came through nicely and grapefruit that you could taste pretty early on.  It had a good bitter feel, but it was very smooth.  It was perfect for the 65 degree dayin which I indulged in it in Duluth.  A, I wish I could get more Fitgers...
Horny Goat Brewing, Baby Got Bock Spring Bock:  Not bad, not spectacular.  It was very drinkable, and smooth, nice slight malt.  Rather unremarkable, simple easy.  I didn't get much from this other than some much needed relaxation after shingling an overly steep roof.  B+
Horny Blonde: What can I say, it was a blonde ale with a great name.  Nothing too great here, it was a blonde ale.  Light refreshing, crisp.  C+
Lake Superior Brewing Special Ale:  It was a nice pale ale with some nice nutty/caramel notes.  It was a decent pairing for the Walleye I had for dinner.  It wasn't spectacular, but It was cool to have another new beer.  B-

I also had the Blackwoods Forest Ale: The restaurant had someone brew a beer for them, it was basically an american amber.  Darker pour with a good smooth head, and a nice mix of malts and hops.  Hard to discern much, as it was a chaser for the most spicy bloody mary I've ever had.  
Schell's Firebrick:  Some of you don't realize just how hard my job is.  It's not easy for me to take time out of my vacation to seek out and find these new beers.  This was a Vienna Lager, nicely roasted malts and a bready taste were there.  It was a great beer for a burger.  It was one I'd like to have again, though it may not be the same in the bottle...  B.
Summit Brewing Summer Ale, Horizon Red: The summer was Emily's choice for dinner drink, and it was delicious!  I had the red, nothing real exceptional.  Both were more on the generic side of what you'd expect.  C+, C.

Summit Saga IPA:  Nice IPA, neat light citrus flavors, and lots of hops.  I loved it.  I thought it was the best IPA I'd had in MN.  A-.

Summit EPA: It's hard to go to MN and not indulge in this old favorite.  It's like that old friend who has been consistent as long as you've known them and will always be there for you...  B+
Some Brown Ale:  It was a brown ale, I'm not a huge Brown fan.  It was pretty good, nicely paired with a burger.  It was a nice desert... C
Lift Bridge Farm Girl Saison:  A nice saison, I like spiced ale's and this was an easy sipper.  It was decent, not great.  But it had good spicing and a smooth texture.  B-.
Point brewing 2012 Black Ale:  Mostly tasted chocolate toasted hints.  It was a very dark brown ale.  I had it on a hotter day than I usually drink a thicker beverage such as this.  But it was nice, and unique. A good find, but not one worth looking for.  C-.

Surly Furious IPA: Worth the drive to Minnesota alone.  I love this beer, I love IPA's in general.  But I loved this.  It's got an amazing dose of hops that show up first thing, and don't let you go.  It's got some citrus as you'd expect, but it's definitely a delicious draft.  I miss this one.  A

Surly Bitter Brewer English Bitter:  
A lighter taste for all the complexity I found from this canned pint.  It had a nice amount of flavor and hops.  It was interestingly smooth and easy for all of the hops in this.  I'd liked to have tried this from a tap to see if there was more hiding in the can than I found. Definitely a cool one...  B.

Emily and I took our 1 year anniversary trip to MN, and were able to relax for a week together.  It was an awesome week in the quiet North.  It was a perfect respite for our hot and busy lives in Phoenix.  It was something I'd looked forward to for a long time, and enjoyed it far more than anticipated.  It was so much fun to have new and old memories with Em.  

And I rode my bike, then my master cylinders failed on my brakes.  Shimano sent some new one's out, so I look forward to trying them out on the Fontana DH course this coming week while I'll be out there for some shadowing of some Doctors for clinical hours so I'll have more experience heading into medical school. 

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